Things I Want: e-Paper Smart Calendar

Things I Want: e-Paper Smart Calendar
31 Mar 17

Welcome to a new series on BTN, Things I Want. This and future posts will be looking at tech that is in development or soon to be coming our way or just stuff that I would really like to see in my life so look out for more posts coming soon.

For this inaugural post I am looking at something so simple but so clever. Now I live an die by my online calendars. Without them I'd never make it to a meeting or even remember a birthday or anniversary. Obviously I can access these calendars on a number of devices but wouldn't it be great if there was just a place where you could simply glance at your upcoming day without having to take out your phone or log into a service?

Well a clever developer named Kosho Tsuboi has come up with the Magic Calendar. It is built in association with Android Experiments which honestly is totally new to me but it is a programme in Japan where you can submit Android-based ideas.

The calendar has an e-Paper interface and hangs on your wall like a picture frame. It seems to be syncing with Google Calendar so I assume that when you update your own calendar the one on your wall updates accordingly.

This is genius. The details are a little sketchy at the moment but there do also seem to be designs for a smaller version going forward.

Anyway, check out this video to learn a little more.

Was this post useful? Would you like to see more going forward? If so please hit us up in the comments below.


Paul Wright


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